Monday, October 26, 2009

Ok, I jumped off my house like five times and it was awesome. and now i want to learn how to freerun. Horray for youtube! Then me and dustin went squirrel hunting and didn't see shit, so we hung a can on a tree and it pretty much became target practice.

universal healthcare is the shit. America: grow up and realize that it's our civil responsibility to take care of each other, and to make sure that none of us end up having to cope with broken legs not being fixed and $500 dollars a month in perscription bills. Put it into your thick cheap skulls realize that it's something we not only should do, WE NEED TO DO.

PS To all you fucktards who bitch because it's a socialist program: yea no shit it's a socialist program, just like firefighters and the postal service and the library and public schools and the police and the military and food banks and free health clinics (OH SHIT SOCIALIZED HEALTH CARE) and all the other awesome programs that you dumb fucks get for free. DUH.

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