Wednesday, January 13, 2010


type in "why" on google. It will suggest some of the strangest things amaginable. my favorite is number 8: why can't i own a canadian?
Mom and Steve are arguing about bills. And they're both saying the EXACT SAME THINK. Sometimes I think they're both retarded. And not in an insulting way. In an "i believe you have a disorder" way. Yep.
What if God is real, but he hates all of us? what if satan is the real creator? what if the devil wrote the bible? Judeo-Christian religions are way too risky.

Monday, January 11, 2010

I have this really strong urge to put a bunch of bismuth subnitrate in one vial, then put some mercury in another vial, then put the two in baggies, tie string around them, and swallow them both with the end of the string still in my mouth, then get on a plane, fly to LA and back, then, when I get off the plane, walk up to an air security official, puke the two vials up on his fancy shirt and tie, and say:

"If i had gone into the bathroom during my flight, taken the two of these from my stomach, and mixed them, i could have blown the entire plane up. Have a nice day, officer."

Life is singular

I've been feeling pretty lonely at night lately. Maybe when i get texting i'll be able to talk to people and be happier.
I GOT A NEW PHONE!! And it's bomb. and when i get texting, which should be soon, i'll be able to do it effectively with my new quasi-full keyboard!! Horray.
Ya know who i want to kill? Fox News. They are amazingly biased and claim to be fair. And I just think i'd have fun kicking the shit out of Bill O'Rielly

"Ya didn't think of my baseball bat as a factor, did ya, asshole?" CRACK ta tha dome.

Monday, December 28, 2009

I just finished watching a movie called "Collapse", and it was eye openning. It was as eye opening to me as Zeitgeist. Zeitgeist showed what is going to happen. Collapse showed how.
Think about this: almost all products in the world are made from oil. Yes, oil. Plastics are made from oil. Rubbers are made from oil. Paints, acrylics, toothpastes, keyboards, cellphones, and many other things are made from oil. There is about 7 gallons of oil in every car tire. So answer me this: how are we going to create new alternate energy systems when everything that it takes to make the energy is made of a resource that is quickly running out.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

IGNORANCE ANNOYS ME. I'm ok if you don't have the ability to comprehend things, and it's ok if you are simply stupid. That's fine. Being unintelligent is not your fault, but if you are simply ignorant and unaware of basic facts and important arguments of our day, like when at least 5 of the 11 freshman in this class i surveyed for Politics and the Media, than you need to get with reality. Every American should know what an abortion and stem cell research mean. If you don't, hit yourself in the head, just like your mother did when you were a baby.
My ceramics class is so awesome. I made a Buddha statue, but it didn't come out how I liked it. The statue itself is fine, but the glaze color was different than i liked. Oh well. Maybe i'll post some pics of my stuff in a while.

Monday, November 23, 2009

I'm tired of this prohibition bullshit. It didn't work in the 30's and it isn't working now. Go on youtube and search "bong hits" and you'll get teenagers smoking weed and feeling cool about it. You look up "teen drinking" you don't see any kids saying "oh yea, i just picked up 2 liters of some potent whiskey and we're gonna drink it right now for the camera". No, you don't see that shit. Because it's not cool. Because alcohol is a legal drug. Legalize cannabis and the exact same effect will happen. The Netherlands reports having a lower marijuana usage rate among people of all ages than all European countries. I'm just getting pissed at the lies that the government is putting out. Their ad campaigns that the put to minors are like jokes. They don't tell facts. The war on drugs has FAILED. Period. No argument. At least medical marijuana NEEDS TO BE LEGALIZED.